Saturday 11 July 2009

Overall Analysis Of Marketing Campaign

The marketing campaign of ‘Bruno’ is very shocking, abrupt and controversial. The viral campaign on the Internet is huge. The promotion campaign is hitting their young target audience of 16-45 extremely well by targeting social networking sites such as Twitter and Face book. MySpace also allows their customers access to exclusive black curtain screenings. This allows them to receive information that is easily distributed and accessible by a wide range of people. The trailer for Bruno is also accessible via YouTube, which is an easy way for people to see what the film entails. The controversy of the film will automatically get people talking about the film and will raise awareness of it publicly, which achieves free publicity. However it is always a risk that the publicity is not always good. The website offers advanced tickets for the film and provides latest news for the film. It also has a link to T-shirts that have famous quotes from the movie, which is also a form of promotion. The use of the reference to ‘Borat’ helps to ensure that previous fans will want to see this movie as well, as they can clearly see it is the same actor and will contain shocking topics such as the previous movie. The use of ‘Taboo’ issues is shocking but also comical as humans naturally feel like they want to bend the rules, which this movie offers them an opportunity to experience. The major success of the move ‘Borat’ also plays a part in the marketing campaign of this movie as they are ultimately saying if you like that movie you will like this one as well. The use of the ‘Homosexual’ Austrian man helps to separate the character from society, which is comical as what the audience know as socially expectable they see the character violate. However the sexual scenes in the movie have caused the BBFC to raise the rating to an 18, which will restrict a huge amount of their target audience.

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