Friday 10 July 2009

Conventions of Genre In Trailers

During our research of movie trailers, the class was split into groups to research conventions of a specific genre, which they can then reteach to the class. This will help us to become aware of conventions that different genres have, which we can then use when creating our own movie trailer in order to portray the genre professionally.

My group consisted of myself and Ferne. We investigated the genre of horror and stated what we expected the trailer to contain and what effect that had on the audience. We then used two trailers, 'The Orphan' and 'The Last House On The Left'. We then annotated three stills from each trailer and showed how it contained the conventions of the genre.

After presenting our research and watching everyone's research it has helped me to become aware of different conventions that are evident in different genres. This will help me when creating my own trailer, as i can use the conventions to ensure that the genre of my film is clear and shown professionally.

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