Friday 10 July 2009

Importing an Image

This is the poster for the film 'Bruno'. I uploaded this image through pressing the icon of 'Add Image'. It then came up with add an image from the computer or add an image from the web. I was importing an image from the Internet, so i copied and pasted the URL address from the web page that contained the image of the 'Bruno' poster. After pasting the URL address, I then pressed a button labelled 'upload to blog'. Then after a few moments another button appeared labelled 'done', which would then allow the image to be published within the blog. I was then returned to my original blog with the image appearing on the left hand side. Although if you want to move the image's place within the blog you can double right click on the image and then move it to where you think is suitable.

This poster is advertising the highly controversial film 'Bruno'. The poster shows subtle controversy in the poster, which is in contrast to the shocking trailer. The poster appears very simple, which could be due to the wide audience that will have access to the poster and can therefore not offend people, as many people that see the poster will be outside of their target audience. However the poster is still able to spark shocks from people due to the mise-en-scene of the poster. Bruno's appearance is very camp due to the short bright yellow shorts accompanied with a matching hat, leather wrist cuffs and a very pampered face with the appearance of make-up. This may shock some people as it is not the stereotypical image of a man, but the stereotypical version of a homosexual man. Bruno's appearance also contrasts with the background of flowers and clear skies, which have natural connotations as homosexuality can be seen as going against the laws of nature. This challenges social norms and ideologies and can therefore make some people feel very uncomfortable, which portrays the controversy of the film. The film Bruno depends on the reactions of the audience for the film to create word of mouth, which is a major promotional scheme for the films publicity.

The text in the film also play a major role in attracting the target audience. Above the title of the title of the film is text which displays 'Sacha Baron Cohen', this is because it is the actors name playing the protagonist. Sacha Baron Cohen has also played many other roles in films and is used to attract his fans and people who appreciate his work. A leading role actor also secures the film, as it shows that the film is potentially good as the actor is associating their reputation with it. There is also text underneath the title of the film which displays 'Borat was so 2006'. This also will attract fans of the film 'Borat', as it is implying that this film is better than 'Borat', it will also attract fans of 'Borat' because the leading actor is the same. This text is displayed in red, which stands out from the other white writing. In the text the word 'so' is in italics, this suggests that there is emphasis on that word. This is also stereotypical of a camp person as they are portrayed as over using words such as 'so and 'really'. This also reinforces the message of controversy within homosexuality.

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